
Showing posts from June, 2017

Media Blog Forum 1

Topic 1: I, Hadassah Cesaretti am a twenty year old sophomore at Oregon State University. I am originally from California but moved to Oregon to attend OSU. Because of the out of state tuition I have landed myself on the foot steps on Linn Benton and in the duel partnership program ever since my freshman year. I am currently a computer Science major but am interested in too many things to really have a set goal for myself. I am extremely excited to learn more about the impact that the media has on society and visa versa. Because I was born and raised in the era of the internet I like most kids my age are obsessed with social media.  I have watched social media be an escape place, a hide away, a front, and even a diary. I have seen the ups and the downs of what can come of social media in someones life, but what I am really excited to learn about by taking this course is the bigger picture that the media has in everyones day to day lives through social media. We live in the world t...