Week 3 Media Blog Forum

Topic #1:

Well right away I go on my Facebook page, @HadassahCesaretti, to find a brand and right away I see an ad on the side of my page referencing the one and only Amazon. I did not even have to search for the brand, it came to me. Which in many ways I hate adds on my social media platforms but for any of those ads theres a business that is getting a ton of views because of this ad. Amazon is using Facebook to gain business. Millions of people go on Facebook, well to be correct, Facebook Statistics states there are, "500 million active users of whom 50% log in on a daily basis." Just think if those 500 million users on go Facebook and see that add and only lets say 1/5th click on that add which still is about 100 million clicks. It would take you directly to the Amazon website that will bring in business for them. And what about the other 400 million users you ask? Well every time they log onto Facebook they see that add whether they want to or not. And by seeing it constantly it starts to develop into there memory and the chances or them going on Amazon because they see adds everywhere for them is extremely high.  This is how the Amazon company is using social media to interrupt peoples lives with promotions to go to there wed cite. For when I log on to my account right away it was not hard for myself to find an ad because it wanted me to find it. So heres the link that Amazon wants you so badly to click.  amazon.com

So I did my research and on Online Marketing in 2016 says "Facebook advertising cost can be anywhere from $0.16 to $1.00+ per click, depending on your industry." Amazon I would say is a big industry so you can only imagine for each click would be $1.00 if not more. So lets go back to the facts and do some math. If 100 million consumers click on your ad that is a lot of money coming out of Amazon and into Facebook. But on AmzPromoters is states that "Amazon seen to acquire up to 70% of their customers through this channel." That would mean Amazon experienced up to 7x returns on ad spend. Which means paying the cost for an ad on Facebook is an extremely  smart campaign strategy, at least for Amazon. The target audience would be the Facebook users. Which does not really narrow the audience Amazon is trying to sell to because the users can very from 10 year olds to 95 year olds.

If I was the brand manager I would be doing the same thing. putting ads up on Facebook as well as Instagram, twitter, and any other major social media cite. I would promote it to the consumers and the next generation because those will be your customers and if they already love you web cite you are in the clear. And not to mention but the so called next generation love to talk about stuff they love so give them a brand the love so they will talk about it and spread the word.

Topic 2:
Imagine this ad. A coca cola laying down on a bed of ice with the "Cant beat the real thing" above the drink. In this simple ad a couple things stood out to me. First off was the image makes be want to drink one because it looks so refreshing. Secondly on the bottle it says classic. This single word pops out in so many ways to me. For instance it makes me think its the American drink. And lastly the vibrance of the drink looks so welcoming and makes a non soda drinker want to go to the store and have a cold one.

The target audience I would say would be anyone who drinks. This can include kids, parents and even grandparents. Anyone who has a mouth.  

The main persuasive techniques that is used in this ad is emotional branding. Emotional branding because it states you cant beat the real thing as well as saying it is a classic drink. Which makes me think it is a drink that is passed down from generation to generation which makes me also think about my family and how they are the real thing and how you cant beat the real thing which is there logo and what they are all about. I believe this technique works because it hits home on so many ways. In many house holds family is extremely important and with this ad it makes you believe that this is a family drink and be shared with loved ones.

-Here is the picture of the ad that I am referring to.


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Media Blog Forum 1