Blog Project #2
Topic #1 -- Advertising/Public Relations
Introduction/ DESCRIBE:
Always, the advertising brand I decided to pick and study, needed a way to appeal to a next generation of consumers in the face of growing competition from rivals that were gaining traction with Millennial girls via social media. The award-winning response was the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, that turned a phrase that had become an insult into an empowering message. This brand
is part of a larger campaign and a series of ads on youtube, local tv commercials, pictures on buses or any place they can publish and broadcast thee brand. They have kicked off an epic battle to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence throughout puberty and beyond, and making a start by showing them that doing things #LikeAGirl is downright amazing so they can break the stereotype it has. The brand always, which is in fact produces menstrual products is part of a new advertising trend in menstrual products. Gone are the commercials based around being discreet and hiding the fact that you’re menstruating. Period shame is out and empowerment is in.
There are a few hand full of ads out there that are approximately around two to four minutes long. Each video clip has a group of young females and a different group of all kinds people with different ages and shapes. The back ground cast sits down each individual on there own and ask them a simple, one sentenced question. "What does it mean to do something "Like a girl." The hand full of random people on there own answer this simple question. And as easy as one might think to answer this question they get a wide variety of answers. The group of random individuals demonstrate how to run like a girl, or how to throw like a girl. And all do what looks like the wimpy version of running or throwing. then they ask the group of young females to throw like a girl and run like a girl. And, unlike the other group, these young females actually try. They run full speed, or throw correctly or fight with with all there strength. The over all point in doing this survey is to show how puberty effects what young girls think about themselves and what they can do. As they grow up they start believing that doing something like a girl is an insult. That a girls confidence plummets during puberty. Alway want to change that. They want to make like a girl amazing things. This ad is an inspiring piece of work that wants and courages you to get involved and change something.
With Emma Watson’s recent speech on feminism at the UN as Goodwill Ambassador, the increasing frequency of celebrities like Beyoncé self-identifying as feminists, and the current prevalence of women’s reproductive rights cases, there couldn’t have been a more perfect time for an ad reaching to empower young girls. Above all, this ad plays very heavily on pathos. When the producer directs the adult actors to “run like a girl,” they are shown shrieking and daintily flailing their limbs as slow music plays in the background. When the little girls are asked to do the same thing, they run as fast as they can, understanding “like a girl” to mean strong, powerful, and athletic. The ad pulls on pathos by asking, “When does ‘like a girl’ become an insult?” This is an appeal directly to the audience, playing on their emotions and making them realize the hurtful impacts that using “female” as synonymous to “weak” can have. The creators use multiple persuasive techniques such as testimonial of each person they interview, famous people like I previously stated, irritation to get you angry for this stereotype and even snob-appeal because they are recreating a brand and the appeal of owning this new brand so they can be apart of something greater. The wide spread does not end there, the platform they made for themselves with this ad is growing with each new ad it makes the story telling continues.
This advertisement has been on going for a couple years now but the message and meaning stay the same. The message is gender discrimination against women is rampant across the world and seeps into many aspects of women’s lives. And this discrimination harms women in many ways. The experience of sexism is so common that research suggests women can experience one to two instances of “everyday sexism” per week, ranging from stated gender stereotypes “throws like a girl” to being called denigrating names to sexual objectification. This is a different and new way to voice a change and sell there product as well. The spirit of the #LikeAGirl campaign is to change societal norms, and there is hope that this is possible.
The target audience, in hind sight, is young girls who get their first period and puberty. But the audience is much broader than that. When girls see this ad, they remember how they felt when people said this to them. When parents see the ad, they do not want their daughter to experience the pain of realizing that femininity is considered socially inferior to masculinity. When everyone else sees the ad, they understand the error of what they may have said, and think of their sisters, mothers, and friends, and how words like this may have negatively impacted how they view themselves. Always shows that comments like this truly do affect girls. Stereotypes are what made this ad and the ad is what wants to diminish the stereotypes for woman in the first place.
The video was the number one ad on YouTube in March 2016 and the campaign received attention from Emma Watson and Arianna Huffington. But the biggest sign of its success came from the emoji creators Unicode Project, which asked Always to pass along ideas for their next update. The creators like a girl made another video about how emojis only had men playing sports or woking and how that effected young females and as the ad video became viral the creators of the emojis became interested. They saw the ad and stepped up and made a difference. Now if you open your phone and look into the emoji section you can see how there are emojis of girls working, and girls playing sports and not just the emoji of the bride or the haircut girl. These are changes for the better and ads that Always are creating are making a difference. I remember watching the first ad a couple years ago when it first came out and when I read this assignment I knew exactly what I wanted to do it on. So I would definitely say it is memorable and effectively connecting with the audience and making a change in all the ways I have stated and more.
Feminine beauty brand Always, owned by Proctor & Gamble, have followed Pantene and Dove’s examples of creative social media campaigns that support women while questioning the established status quo of women’s roles in society and advertising. Always has over 501,809 Facebook likes, 108,538 YouTube Subscribers and 31,600 Twitter followers. All the articles I have read about have been great reviews. On the Huffpost articles about Like a Girl states, "“When you have a message that really addresses such an important and a real issue and it’s done in a way that is very consistent with who are as a brand, I think consumers want to engage with that.” Based on the ad I would definitely buy the product that helps support and add to a cause I believe in and I definitely would recommend it to my friends and family.
I have known about this brand for quite some time but learning more about it gave me a whole new perspective and view. As I was doing this assignment I really learned what the brand Always was trying to promote. That yes they have an amazing product but an even more amazing stance in what they believe in and point they are getting through to people. I have learned that #LikeAGirl not only provokes a reaction, it highlights the very real issue about confidence in young women falling as they grow up. Challenging the difference in perception from childhood to adulthood allows Always to build a brand advocacy from an early age, while also doing good for women. Which surprised me the most to see how a brand of feminine hygiene can correlate and break down a stereotype all on its own. So do yourself a favor and go to and be part of the change.
Introduction/ DESCRIBE:
Always, the advertising brand I decided to pick and study, needed a way to appeal to a next generation of consumers in the face of growing competition from rivals that were gaining traction with Millennial girls via social media. The award-winning response was the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, that turned a phrase that had become an insult into an empowering message. This brand
is part of a larger campaign and a series of ads on youtube, local tv commercials, pictures on buses or any place they can publish and broadcast thee brand. They have kicked off an epic battle to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence throughout puberty and beyond, and making a start by showing them that doing things #LikeAGirl is downright amazing so they can break the stereotype it has. The brand always, which is in fact produces menstrual products is part of a new advertising trend in menstrual products. Gone are the commercials based around being discreet and hiding the fact that you’re menstruating. Period shame is out and empowerment is in.
There are a few hand full of ads out there that are approximately around two to four minutes long. Each video clip has a group of young females and a different group of all kinds people with different ages and shapes. The back ground cast sits down each individual on there own and ask them a simple, one sentenced question. "What does it mean to do something "Like a girl." The hand full of random people on there own answer this simple question. And as easy as one might think to answer this question they get a wide variety of answers. The group of random individuals demonstrate how to run like a girl, or how to throw like a girl. And all do what looks like the wimpy version of running or throwing. then they ask the group of young females to throw like a girl and run like a girl. And, unlike the other group, these young females actually try. They run full speed, or throw correctly or fight with with all there strength. The over all point in doing this survey is to show how puberty effects what young girls think about themselves and what they can do. As they grow up they start believing that doing something like a girl is an insult. That a girls confidence plummets during puberty. Alway want to change that. They want to make like a girl amazing things. This ad is an inspiring piece of work that wants and courages you to get involved and change something.
With Emma Watson’s recent speech on feminism at the UN as Goodwill Ambassador, the increasing frequency of celebrities like Beyoncé self-identifying as feminists, and the current prevalence of women’s reproductive rights cases, there couldn’t have been a more perfect time for an ad reaching to empower young girls. Above all, this ad plays very heavily on pathos. When the producer directs the adult actors to “run like a girl,” they are shown shrieking and daintily flailing their limbs as slow music plays in the background. When the little girls are asked to do the same thing, they run as fast as they can, understanding “like a girl” to mean strong, powerful, and athletic. The ad pulls on pathos by asking, “When does ‘like a girl’ become an insult?” This is an appeal directly to the audience, playing on their emotions and making them realize the hurtful impacts that using “female” as synonymous to “weak” can have. The creators use multiple persuasive techniques such as testimonial of each person they interview, famous people like I previously stated, irritation to get you angry for this stereotype and even snob-appeal because they are recreating a brand and the appeal of owning this new brand so they can be apart of something greater. The wide spread does not end there, the platform they made for themselves with this ad is growing with each new ad it makes the story telling continues.
This advertisement has been on going for a couple years now but the message and meaning stay the same. The message is gender discrimination against women is rampant across the world and seeps into many aspects of women’s lives. And this discrimination harms women in many ways. The experience of sexism is so common that research suggests women can experience one to two instances of “everyday sexism” per week, ranging from stated gender stereotypes “throws like a girl” to being called denigrating names to sexual objectification. This is a different and new way to voice a change and sell there product as well. The spirit of the #LikeAGirl campaign is to change societal norms, and there is hope that this is possible.
The target audience, in hind sight, is young girls who get their first period and puberty. But the audience is much broader than that. When girls see this ad, they remember how they felt when people said this to them. When parents see the ad, they do not want their daughter to experience the pain of realizing that femininity is considered socially inferior to masculinity. When everyone else sees the ad, they understand the error of what they may have said, and think of their sisters, mothers, and friends, and how words like this may have negatively impacted how they view themselves. Always shows that comments like this truly do affect girls. Stereotypes are what made this ad and the ad is what wants to diminish the stereotypes for woman in the first place.
The video was the number one ad on YouTube in March 2016 and the campaign received attention from Emma Watson and Arianna Huffington. But the biggest sign of its success came from the emoji creators Unicode Project, which asked Always to pass along ideas for their next update. The creators like a girl made another video about how emojis only had men playing sports or woking and how that effected young females and as the ad video became viral the creators of the emojis became interested. They saw the ad and stepped up and made a difference. Now if you open your phone and look into the emoji section you can see how there are emojis of girls working, and girls playing sports and not just the emoji of the bride or the haircut girl. These are changes for the better and ads that Always are creating are making a difference. I remember watching the first ad a couple years ago when it first came out and when I read this assignment I knew exactly what I wanted to do it on. So I would definitely say it is memorable and effectively connecting with the audience and making a change in all the ways I have stated and more.
Feminine beauty brand Always, owned by Proctor & Gamble, have followed Pantene and Dove’s examples of creative social media campaigns that support women while questioning the established status quo of women’s roles in society and advertising. Always has over 501,809 Facebook likes, 108,538 YouTube Subscribers and 31,600 Twitter followers. All the articles I have read about have been great reviews. On the Huffpost articles about Like a Girl states, "“When you have a message that really addresses such an important and a real issue and it’s done in a way that is very consistent with who are as a brand, I think consumers want to engage with that.” Based on the ad I would definitely buy the product that helps support and add to a cause I believe in and I definitely would recommend it to my friends and family.
I have known about this brand for quite some time but learning more about it gave me a whole new perspective and view. As I was doing this assignment I really learned what the brand Always was trying to promote. That yes they have an amazing product but an even more amazing stance in what they believe in and point they are getting through to people. I have learned that #LikeAGirl not only provokes a reaction, it highlights the very real issue about confidence in young women falling as they grow up. Challenging the difference in perception from childhood to adulthood allows Always to build a brand advocacy from an early age, while also doing good for women. Which surprised me the most to see how a brand of feminine hygiene can correlate and break down a stereotype all on its own. So do yourself a favor and go to and be part of the change.

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