Topic #1:
I believe it is great to be informed and is very important that I stay up on local and national news . My main sources of local new is a Lost Coast Outpost. I trust the accuracy of this news source because of many things, such as the comments. It is a tell it how it is news source with hundreds of local opinions you can read and add to in there comment section. It tells you road conditions, accidents, arrest, whats happening in the community, events, re-informs news and adds to it. Lost Coast Outpost is online and well as on paper but I am prescribed to it through Facebook and get notifications when something happens. I also talk with a lot of people and being from a small community you run into people and they tell you things as well. I also talk about news with friends and family and it is a lot easier to find out local news in a small town like the one I live in. If you would like to check out my local news source here is there website Id https://lostcoastoutpost.com/
I am a firm believer of staying on top of news like I have previously stated. Online subscriptions and supporting news is great because it shows you support there publications of news. Paying for a news paper is no difference. My family pays for the newspaper to stay on top of big events and everything else it has to offer. But to be a well rounded citizen I find it helpful to listen to news on the radio. I am aware of the bias news from fox and CNN. My trick for not just listening to bias information is to listen to multiple online and radio news outlets so I can review the information and make my own opinion. The only source I pay for is the newspaper I get but that is about it. Everything else you can easily listen to through the radio or read online. It is worth paying for because sometimes it is nice to sit down with a paper back newspaper and get updated on information the old fashion way while supporting a good newspaper.
Considering the scale I would say I was a 4. In theory I want to be a 5 but in general I believe I am a 4. I try to stay on top of articles and news but I have a busy schedule that sometimes does not let me be as informed as I would like to be. But as a kid growing up my parents would always talk about the news. It was kind of a ritual that every day at the dinner table my dad would ask us kids "What happened in the world today." And to this day I do my best to keep up with current events and what exactly is going on in the world.
I think he is telling is how it is. For example I believe CNN has a liberal agenda and they make there "news" to promote there own agenda rather than the truth. Recently three journalists resigned from CNN over some fake news after CNN actually were creating fake news and how CNN twisted it trying to make a story when there was not one. It was fabricated and the journalist resigned because they were not okay with what CNN was doing. So yes I believe president Trump is telling the truth to an extent, news sources tend to slant the news to there end. Heres one of the links about the article I read and what happened. http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-cnn-resignation-20170626-story.html
Mr. Trump, the president of the United states, is to the world the face of America. Whether we like it or not he represents us but regardless of that he has every right as we do to voice his opinion. Yet he does have more power in his words than I or anyone that is not the face of America do so he should not necessary be blaring inappropriate opinions or acts but nonetheless he has every right to be attacking journalism. Especially if he believes there is a real problem because he is in a position to do some real good.
Considering the scale I would say I was a 4. In theory I want to be a 5 but in general I believe I am a 4. I try to stay on top of articles and news but I have a busy schedule that sometimes does not let me be as informed as I would like to be. But as a kid growing up my parents would always talk about the news. It was kind of a ritual that every day at the dinner table my dad would ask us kids "What happened in the world today." And to this day I do my best to keep up with current events and what exactly is going on in the world.
I think he is telling is how it is. For example I believe CNN has a liberal agenda and they make there "news" to promote there own agenda rather than the truth. Recently three journalists resigned from CNN over some fake news after CNN actually were creating fake news and how CNN twisted it trying to make a story when there was not one. It was fabricated and the journalist resigned because they were not okay with what CNN was doing. So yes I believe president Trump is telling the truth to an extent, news sources tend to slant the news to there end. Heres one of the links about the article I read and what happened. http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-cnn-resignation-20170626-story.html
Mr. Trump, the president of the United states, is to the world the face of America. Whether we like it or not he represents us but regardless of that he has every right as we do to voice his opinion. Yet he does have more power in his words than I or anyone that is not the face of America do so he should not necessary be blaring inappropriate opinions or acts but nonetheless he has every right to be attacking journalism. Especially if he believes there is a real problem because he is in a position to do some real good.
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