Week 9 Media Blog Forum
TOPIC 1: MUSIC'S INFLUENCE Everyone has the right to view and look upon what they like. But as a family person I understand the meaning of protecting someone from viewing "corrupting influences." As the youngest of four I am well aware of the protective stance. Even though they tried to shielded me from all the bad influences I still saw them and viewed them like anyone else. The 21st century has a special power of doing that, not even people can try to hide all the bad influences out there from you because wherever you look they are there. Growing up it was not hard to look around and see all the corrupting video, music, dances that go along with it. There are plenty of song out there that make you rethink where the human race is going. Such as Cupcakke deepthroat, or even more of the popular songs like Cake by the Ocean. That if you think about it has a terrible meaning that sexualizing everything. Songs these days are roughly about four different things, sex, money, ...